Saturday, December 27, 2008

Just My Thoughts

I got up in the morning dying to talk with someone. You know really talk. About things that really matter. Somehow at that moment I didn’t want to talk about what I cooked last night or Mika’s funny take on life, or recession or the morbid psyche of the terrorists who plundered Mumbai. I didn’t even want to talk about the tragic ends the people at the Taj, Oberoi and the VT met with, that fateful night. Not even about the Jewish boy, sole survivor of the family in Nariman House. Come to think of it these are things that matter too. Everyone is talking about them. But this morning all this didn’t seem very important. Like a good friend once mentioned.... “All this is maya....just an illusion.” Not that I agree with the statement completely. But this morning it did seem like one. All that happened the day before or for the past one month seemed like a hazy dream. Parts of a good movie with some tear jerking scenes to it.
I wanted to talk about eternity. I wanted to find somebody who would agree with me that the life we live now is part of our journey to never-never land or paradise or eternity. That every decision we make, every choice we take, every thought in our head, can hasten or delay this journey to eternity. Like the same friend once said “Life is effortless, really. The river however it flows will finally reach the ocean”, maybe it will. I agree we will all reach somewhere however we live. But like the tourist brochure reads these days, ‘the holiday is not just about the destination but how you reach there!’
Obviously there is a big deal to life, because there is a big deal to how we live it. Can’t figure out any other reason why there seems to be so much of senseless violence on one side and awesome load of kindness, compassion and selflessness on the other side. If the advocate of violence and the advocate of the peace reach the ocean, irrespective of the way they flow, why should there be any hue and cry about the Mumbai violence? Why should Mother Teresa be called a saint? Why should I try to teach my son to choose good over evil? Let him just flow. And flow. We would all reach the same ocean however we flow. Won’t we?
But there has to be some deal about how the river flows. Even if it means it has to defy even gravity sometimes. Even if it means it has to either manoeuvre its course to avoid the rocks or simply push the rock aside by sheer force. Or perhaps even jump the rock defying gravity.
Only then the gift of ‘free will’ makes sense.